Saturday, July 27, 2013

Last post!

blog experience
 Well today is my last post in the blog and I have to took about the whole experience, besides that I’m very, very sick and I feel terrible but here I go.
 At first it was very uncomfortable because I don’t really enjoy writing about myself to other people, its awkward and weird but then reading my classmates and friends blogs, commenting and uploading pictures was fun, and the part that enjoy the most was  joking  whit my friends blog even when it was serious. In general it was a good experience but at the same time difficult because, not only for my but for what I see from my classmate’s blog to, it was hard to pick certain topics as favorite and stuff like that.
  About if this improves my English, well in certain way I think it does because  I had to pass through the process of finding certain words that didn’t know or knew at the moment or didn’t know how to spell it correctly, so it helped to me and in the end I enjoy the experience but  I wouldn’t  make a blog in English any time soon for the record.

Love U all! Se U soon I hope when I get better now Im going back to been sick bye!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Subject people(8)

Hello all!
Today we have to talk about are favorite subject, despite the short period of class, there’s one that I choose that make me really interesting (English too of course miss ;D ) and exited to go and this is a course from UMCE university, the name of it is “Drug Trafficking, politic, and neoliberalism”.
In this course we took a lot of things related the subject itself, like drugs, destruction of the bodies, drugs and life and how affect, etc. I really like this class because it’s interesting but that is not all, the classmates and the teacher made a really good environment, we sit in a large table where everyone see their faces, and listening carefully. The teacher is really good (in every meaning) he make me feel confident in the way he speak a mean in the way he passed the information, I understand him, he captive my interesting in the subject. We have to read many things and in certain ways is stressful, but interesting at the same time, if only I have more time I think  I even would read the suggested reading.

Well this is all for today my girls and boys. xoxo


Hello people!!!!!
Today I going to write about a video named called ¨A Darwinian Theory of Beauty?¨by Denis Duton, this video  explains the theory  of bauty a mean that the reason that we find something beautiful is the human evolution and not just "in the eye of the beholder".
Many things can said about beauty and taste in art especially, but for me I thing he start from a wrong proposition, that beauty or de conception of beauty can be universal , a mean not all the Japanese people love certain type of music .
Its is true that a theory cannot be understood in such a short video, but I’m just reviewing what I saw, ignoring the rest of the theory itself. From what I see Im not agree with the idea of universal beauty. The art has taught me that things can be different appreciated more as beauties, things like the grotesque and deformed are appreciated by many people, not making this a universal reality.
Theproposal is an interesting idea.

Seee you next time xoxo