Friday, October 25, 2013

Hi all!
The topic for today class is animals or pets. First of all I don’t like the word pet, because I think it’s a word pejorative, I don’t like it and I don’t use it. I like animals I really like since I was a child I used to have animal under my care. My first was a dog but I don’t remember much, then a mousse, birds, etc. I have always been a careful person whit animals and I hope one day soon stop eating them  : ( . I don’t like very much meet I think it’s a little repulsive.  But sometime I eat thing that are made of parts of animal, because there is so many foods made of animals, like mosquitos,  bonds of animals, among others. 
Now the cute part of this… I have two cats and I’m obsess whit them.  My female cat is Lucylle and is white with blue eyes, she is very quiet and she doesn’t leave the house much, She love to eat and sleep and when she is mad I have to give her, space  (it’s a little terrify). My male cat is Mrs Cat, he is so active and a big eater, it’s too cute!!!!!!!!!  Has blond hair and it looks like a tiger, he has 6 moths, it’s a baby still, he sleep whit me, a mean, over me, he likes to cuddle.
Well this is it for today bay!!!!!!!!!


  1. I think that there may be more cat lovers than dog lovers in this career xd. Greetings!

  2. I think the word pet is not peyorative but wherever, kisses Tamara

  3. The cats in the picture look like a cat gang!
