Friday, July 12, 2013

Subject people(8)

Hello all!
Today we have to talk about are favorite subject, despite the short period of class, there’s one that I choose that make me really interesting (English too of course miss ;D ) and exited to go and this is a course from UMCE university, the name of it is “Drug Trafficking, politic, and neoliberalism”.
In this course we took a lot of things related the subject itself, like drugs, destruction of the bodies, drugs and life and how affect, etc. I really like this class because it’s interesting but that is not all, the classmates and the teacher made a really good environment, we sit in a large table where everyone see their faces, and listening carefully. The teacher is really good (in every meaning) he make me feel confident in the way he speak a mean in the way he passed the information, I understand him, he captive my interesting in the subject. We have to read many things and in certain ways is stressful, but interesting at the same time, if only I have more time I think  I even would read the suggested reading.

Well this is all for today my girls and boys. xoxo


  1. Hello my dear friend, that class is interesting, maybe some day I take a class like that.

  2. oh! that sounds interesting, I heard out there that also have to watch movies? that is right? I'd like its names!
    kisses !

  3. The name of subject is very interesting, might you give me a little bibliography, I would like to read a about topic.
    kisses :)

  4. When I saw that ask us for write about our favorite subject I'm already think in this class, just like you, this is MY FAVORITE! I love it, and I enjoy that we still are in class now

    A strong hug!
